• 6 декабря 2018, четверг
  • Санкт-Петербург, Цветочная, 19, Офис Selectel

PiterPy Meetup #11 in English with Kiwi.com

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2266 дней назад
6 декабря 2018 c 19:00 до 22:00
Цветочная, 19, Офис Selectel

PiterPy Meetup — петербургские митапы про Python и разработку

Saint Petersburg without doubt is a European city. At the same time almost all the IT activities are only in Russian.

We decided to contribute in fixing this situation, so we’re making some of our events in English.

This meetup we’re running together with Kiwi.com, whose strike forces are landing in Saint Petersburg in December.

What is Kiwi.com? Why is engineering so important to a travel agency? How do we solve our problems? Tin will answer these questions and more when he explains the methodology of this budding techno-travel giant. We’ll look at the problems of growing at breakneck speed, the advantages of being in a friendly environment and the challenges that make it all exciting.

How can we share analytical data and insights across such a large company? Using the power of graph databases and natural language processing, we implemented a solution that helps us in finding the right information for the right people.

Many modern Python applications interact with 3rd parties over network and packages like `requests` and `aiohttp` are incredibly popular nowadays. It makes it essential to know how to test network interactions.
This talk will walk from most straightforward ad-hoc solutions to more tunable and extensible ones. You’ll learn how to approach testing network on different isolation levels in sync and async code, take away ideas and practices how to use with popular Python tools like responses, Betamax, VCR, and pytest.

Five years ago, Kiwi.com began its story as a super fast growing startup. Today, we have almost 2 400 employees with more than 400 people in the engineering team. During this time, everything changed several times, including our people, company, vision, goals, and last but not least our codebase and stack. It wouldn’t be possible to handle this growth without following the latest trends in technology and code principles. 
In this talk, I will tell you about our codebase and stack: how it changed in the last couple of years, where we want to push it in the future, what tools we use, what we learned that works, and what helped us to maintain rapid growth. I will share with you the lessons learned and my experiences from almost 4 years in this company.

Kiwi.com kahoot.it quiz for 3 x 100 EUR Kiwi.com vouchers
We will ask 16 questions, including 4 questions from each speaker’s presentation. Every question will have with 1 correct answer from 4 possible options. We will test the audience whether they paid attention during the talks and reward the 3 best with Kiwi.com vouchers.

Visit our Telegram group and social media, don’t miss all the interesting stuff: meetup.piterpy.com



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